Empowering entrepreneurs to build and scale their brands WITH KICKASS storytelling

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Hi! I’m giselle

Entrepreneur. Author. Attorney. Chef. There’s a story …

Stories emotionally connect people with shared values, interests and dreams. Great brand stories weave your business purpose and vision through every piece of your marketing content. They tell the world who you are, who you serve, why you serve them and how you serve them.

That’s why brand storytelling is the secret sauce for business growth. People support brands that support their vision for the future. Craft a great story; build an army of fans.

i want you to thrive

Entrepreneurs like YOU need speed and efficiency to grow a business that attracts people who want and need what you offer. The quickest way to attract clients? With targeted messaging and a story that sells. The right message attracts the right client, who becomes a customer for life.


“giselle brings immediate energy and enthusiasm!

Giselle developed our entire marketing strategy from scratch, delivering results that exceeded all expectations. Giselle helped the company achieve critical early milestones.”

Court Lorenzini, Co-Founder DocuSign, Investor, Board Member

“one of the most energetic, passionate marketers I've ever met!

Giselle is able to both understand and translate complex concepts and technologies into messaging and stories that have a real impact. She brings excellent marketing communications expertise!”

Michelle Schafer, Partner at Merritt Group

“an incredible coach and mentor!

Giselle has the ability to find what people are passionate about and draw it out of them. She has a unique gift where she gives just the right amount of freedom with enough guidance to make every project a joy to work on and a triumph when completed."

Alex Barnsbee, Senior Marketer

I wrote the book on this stuff and people like it.

I now fully grasp what you have been communicating from the start (remember when you schooled me on “value prop”).  The B-school approach to value props (I was in that camp) is about tangible value.  Your brilliance is in recognizing it’s the intangible value - the experience - that is the key differentiator.  And you are the first to recognize this. In the immortal words of Wayne & Garth “we’re not worthy!
— Michael Lee, Chief Scientist, Metallic AI